Why subscribe?

Subscribe to predisposition if you want to connect and share experiences about sobriety, being “different”, examining ourselves, and moving forward. All subscriptions are free!

What do you write about?

When I started this newsletter in 2021 my goal was to share my experience as a 40 something man learning he was autistic. The process of writing and connecting with others in the community has led me to realize I needed to stop drinking, and now sobriety is the topic I write about most. I look at social norms, question experiences, and think about different ways to live in the world.

Do you write fiction or non-fiction?

If I were to put these essays into a book, I would probably call it autofiction. I am writing about my real life experiences to the best of my memory, but I know that my memory is fallible. I will cite sources appropriately if I make assertions, and I will be transparent when I am speculating. I will refer to other people, but I won’t use real names out of respect for the privacy of people who I have known over the course of my life.

Why are you anonymous?

There are many reasons I prefer to be anonymous. I’m writing about deeply personal things, I don’t want to reveal the identity of other people who are in my life, and I respect the tradition of anonymity in recovery communities.

Can you say more about yourself?

I am an American, white, cisgendered man. As such, I recognize that I have a lot of privilege. My hope is to acknowledge that privilege in my work and to express the advantages I know it has given me. An important part of my life is better understanding the experiences of people from different background, genders, races/ethnicities, ages, and regions of the world, and to bring that knowledge to bare as I examine my own life and experiences.

Are you open to feedback?

I am honored to receive feedback, and I am grateful to anybody who can help me learn. I hope to connect with readers via email and comments, whichever is more comfortable for you.

Subscribe to Predisposition

Let's figure out how to live without drinking! Also, neurodiversity and understanding the social arena while sober.


I write about figuring out how to live in the world as a sober person who found out he was autistic later in life.