Another wonderful post. I love spending time with you through your writing. And I relate so much! I don't feel able to write much while I'm working full time in the middle of term, but reading this is so inspiring and soothing. There is so much peace here and I am glad you've found it. I have similar feelings about the pandemic. Protected from the tragedy and misery that it caused for reasons I was uncomfortable with, the truth is I found a way of life I preferred. Slower, with less invitations. Meeting for a flask of tea in the park with your closest friends. And then just staying home. Beautiful!

I have also realised that I find no end time incredibly uncomfortable. I have started to suggest end times when I feel comfortable with the person. And maybe going forward that can be a measure of whether I want to meet up, ie do I feel comfortable enough to suggest an end time?

Thanks for all your writing, it brings me joy and connection to read your thoughts.

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Thank you so much for this, Chelsey. I feel the same way - I'm looking forward to when you have the energy to write more! I love the idea of setting an end time up front with friends! That is why my work life works well for me - every meeting has a start time and end time, and generally people respect those very precisely (because everyone has something else scheduled to go to). Having the structure of time makes it easier for me to navigate through. I do wonder how others would interpret that, though - I suspect people might find it rude or strange.

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